It was just another day at the university when I would drag my weary self from my hilltop hostel, down to the lecture theatre for class. That lecture was about Albert Einstein’s wave-particle duality:

{ ...Physical entities possess both wave-like and particle-like characteristics… }

In a nutshell, all existence boils down to energies of different forms. For me, this was a lightning-bolt moment because the energetic nature of all things resolved the paradox between the observable material world and the unseen etheric or spiritual reality! From then on, my preconceived contradictions between the seen and unseen began to dissolve.

Some years later, I chanced upon a place that coached energy healing. I was guided to feel the space with my palms as I moved around a seated person. That was the first time I realized - undeniably, that I could sense energy in spaces using my hands - in fact, many people can. The sensations were due to the auric energy field of the person on the chair. In the next 2 years, I took my first steps into building a foundation in meditation and energy healing. I also learned that energy might be subtle but healing can be very profound.

Subsequently, I encountered a health crisis and received several sessions of Reiki healing. During these sessions, there were moments when I felt the healers touch my body. But when I saw their hands hovering over my body, I realized there was no contact. It was energy. The sensations were vivid, as if a little hand was in my body, massaging the affected organs. Blessed with a wonderful surgeon from allopathic medicine, a well-suited Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician, and very talented Reiki healers, I made an excellent recovery. As you might have guessed, this initiated my path to Reiki.

It became clear that I want to help myself and others heal; those who are open to complementary healing and who genuinely wish to help themselves. Healers are NOT those who perform "magic" such that one is "miraculously" healed. Healers are aides who are skilled in creating conducive energetic states to facilitate one's own healing. The miracle is within each of us, not without.

It has always been essential for me to do something meaningful that I love, that's why I am truly grateful to be able to take on a healer's role. There are other useful complementary healing modalities that I hope to bring to you in the near future, especially in my areas of interest - energy, crystals, and sound. So, do keep an eye on this space! ♥️

Helping those who are open to complementary healing and who genuinely wish to help themselves using Reiki, Crystals and Sound Healing.

This has been my journey.