{My intentions are to...}
Provide complementary healing services to support those who are open to complementary healing modalities such as Reiki, Crystal, Sound healing, etc. Eventually, I hope to be teaching some of these modalities so that people can help themselves and go on to help others.

{What I value}
We wish life was simpler but choices come in a gradients and shades. Acting on
best intentions with respect for individuals' choices, and endeavoring to hold space without judgment. These are my guiding beacons when supporting someone's healing process. I am also committed to self-work , constantly working on myself towards becoming a better healing aide.

{Training that I had}
My first training in
Energy Meditation and Healing took place in the early 2000s. This was followed by Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3 in later years. Due to my keen interest in crystals, singing bowls and astrology, I have also pursued training around these topics.

{Educational background}
My education certainly play a part in how I perceived the world. I have been "left-brained" most of my life - MSc & BSc(Hon), because I love the spirit of true science, which is to
ask questions and keep an open mind, but with discernment. I am a late-bloomer in the "right-brain" department, but once I caught up, complementary healing started to make a lot of sense. I now possess a Graduate Diploma in Translation and Interpretation (English-Chinese, bi-directional) and hope to contribute to the metaphysical community in these functions.

{In my personal time, I...}
Sing. Sound therapy is real beyond any doubt. You can find out more about that side of me here! Dance. It started with Solo Latin and then K-Pop. Challenging myself to do something new is fun! Read. I am a 'non-fiction' kind of reader and love metaphysical content unapologetically, especially esoteric/occult knowledge, both East and West! With those mystic crosses written on both my palms, this is only the beginning. Other times, I simply BE that multi-dimensional human BEING that I am!

I provide complementary healing services to support those who are open to complementary healing modalities such as Reiki, Crystal, Sound healing, etc. We wish life was simpler but choices come in a gradients and shades. Acting on best intentions with respect for individuals' choices, and endeavouring to hold space without judgment. These are my guiding beacons when supporting someone's healing process. I am also committed to self-work , constantly working on myself towards becoming a better healing aide.

Here's a bit about me.