{Clarity. Heighten our sense of the world around us. }

These days, people are bogged down by issues. Issues vital to survival and livelihood such as career moves, and issues trivial as the grocery list and remembering countless account passwords. The constant distractions and interruptions from social media only made things worse. Overwhelmed, we fragment our attention in order to cope with these tasks. This results in our awareness being shredded and dispersed, leaving us incapable of true focus... and often empty inside. As a result, we aren't really present in the now.

So why is this important? Because where focus goes, energy flows. A generator can only support so many appliances. When overloaded, it becomes inefficient and eventually breaks down. Even machines need a break!
+Sense means to reclaim our awareness, regaining our clarity, and then consciously will our focus and energy in meaningful ways. I believe that this will ultimately lead to healthier body, mind, and spirit.

{Healthy boundaries. Incorporate energetic hygiene into our daily lives.}

"My partner needs me; my kids need me; my parents need me; my friends need me; my bosses need me, my clients need me, etc." The list seems to go on forever, tugging our personal energies in all directions, and leaving us drained. The interwoven complexities make this balancing act incredibly challenging physically, emotionally, and mentally. We are essentially off-center. Then, like a subconscious protest, we indulge in what we love, such as gaming, shopping, drinking, smoking, etc. almost with vengeance, coupled with a strange sense of self-righteousness. Yet, being occupied in these activities only brings about short-lived fulfillment. The contrasting sense of void thereafter is often depressing.

Enhancing energetic hygiene is to reinforce healthy boundaries and catering to the "I need me", so that we can stay centered. In turn, we will be in a better physical, emotional, and mental state to be present for ourselves and our loved ones. +Sense means to recognize that we have to take care of ourselves first, in order to make a meaningful difference to others. This includes letting go of the martyr/savior mentality, which often equates self-care to selfishness.

Self-care is vital. It can be achieved through incorporating dedicated me-time to be with oneself. During this time, we should take care of our health and fitness, cater time to work through our emotions, and let our minds rest by creating a quiet space. This can mean CONSCIOUSLY enjoying what we love to do (instead of using the activity as a numbing agent), a quiet walk in the park, meditation, sound baths, Reiki sessions, etc. Each will need to do a little exploration to find what works best.

{Becoming wholesome! Living life to the fullest.}

Do you remember The Law of Conservation of Energy which we learned in basic science? "Energy cannot be created or destroyed but may be changed from one form to another." The physically observable is only one of the forms. It is not only scientific but also an inner knowing in me, that this physical body is just the tip of the iceberg of being human. I believe that our human experience is only a point of focus through which our higher selves or higher consciousnesses learn and grow, and being wholesome requires an understanding of this fundamental.

Beyond our 5 senses, it is clear that our emotions (heart), intuition (gut), and cognizance (brain and mind) help us to perceive and understand our world especially about abstract or philosophical ideas, and the meaning of life on deeper levels. Such reverence can almost only be communicated through various art forms rather than mathematics or pure reasoning. For example, we cannot put a formula to love - it is a feeling, a powerful one. The ants know when the rain is coming - it is an instinct, an intuition. Human creativity is not a random mix of probable permutations, but a thoughtful and directed expression of original ideas.
+Sense means becoming aware of and integrating our body, mind, and spirit, beyond what is perceivable through our 5 senses to become wholesome

A safe place for complementary healing through reiki, body energy work. Wholesome living. Clarity. Healthy personal boundaries. Mindfulness. Awareness. LGBTQ+ friendly.

+Sense means...